• Babywearing: Knee-to-knee

    When babywearing, position is REALLY important. Many Soft Structured Carriers (SSCs) come with “infant inserts” that you use until your new bundle of joy is “big enough”. But what exactly is “big enough”? For a legs out position, “big enough” is when the carrier goes “knee-to-knee”. Knee-to-knee is when their legs not only poke out…

  • Why We Wear #1

    *Why We Wear is a image-based series sharing the reasons why we babywear* Skin-To-Skin Time! Extensive research has shown that skin-to-skin time with your newborn is important for BOTH of you! So strip off your nursing top and wrap that baby against you mommy – it’s time for some bonding. ❤ Tara P.S. As you…

  • Tried and True: Moby Wrap

    The very first wrap I received (as well as used) was my Moby Wrap. Made from a cotton jersey material, it is soft and stretchy. It really cuddles baby and keeps them feeling secure. However, when you first open it, many are overwhlemed by the 5.5 meters (over 18 feet) of cloth. Here is the…

  • October = Babywearing!

    October 7th-13th is “International Babywearing Week”. This is a time for babywear-ers everywhere to celebrate their babywearing ways while also spreading awareness about babywearing. If anyone knows anything about me – I’m all about babywearing! And I get a lot of questions about carriers, styles and ways of babywearing. So, this month I’ll be writing…

  • [the] Fam’s 5 Faves: Breastfeeding

        This episode of the “Fam’s 5 Faves” is focusing on breastfeeding.  I figured it was a great segue off of last month’s series focusing on Milking It. Here is a break down of our favorites… Nursing Covers My two “go to” covers right now are the Motherhood Nursing Scarf and my Simple by…

  • The Next Two Months…

    Wow – I had a lot of fun writing about breastfeeding last month. And I still didn’t have time to hit everything! You’ll still see the topic popping up time and time again. It’s a major part of my life as  breastfeeding mommy. But here will be the upcoming focus… September This month I want…

  • Milking It: Power Pumping

    I had never heard of “Power Pumping” when I began my breastfeeding journey. The concept behind “Power Pumping” is to simulate your little one going through a growth spurt. You know, that time every few months where it feels like they are attached to you 24/7. When you Power Pump, you make your body believe…

  • 2 years ago

    A little over 2 years ago, I was offered the opportunity to visit our friends Faith and Roger. In Africa. For 3 weeks. Oliver and I were already over 2 years into trying for a baby. I didn’t want to commit and then back out, but I also didn’t want to pass up this opportunity.…

  • Milking It: Cookies!

    Yes, you read that right! You can actually JUSTIFY cookies! Well, like an nursing mother CAN’T justify them. But seriously, these can help with milk production – and my friends say they are quite yummy to boot! (Remember: me = overproduction … me + a dozen of these would probably = engorgement) Why cookies? Well,…

  • Milking It: Fenugreek

    If you have done any googling, you have no doubt come across “fenugreek” as a way of upping your milk supply. But why? And how? And what are your options? Read on fellow milkies, read on! Fenugreek is a plant grown in Europe and the Middle East. It mainly comes from India, but is also…

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