• Scrunchy: DIY Hair Detangler

    I’m surprised at how “crunchy” I have become since having Liam. I’m not TOTALLY “crunchy”, just somewhat. Hence the term “scrunchy”. I read all the labels and am very aware of everything that goes in or on his body. That’s why I delved into the world of essential oils. Even then, I really researched the…

  • Tried & True: Braun Forehead Thermometer

    Shortly before we moved into our new house, a box arrived for me. Imagine my surprise when it was a Braun Forehead Thermometer to test out on the family! Although the product was provided for free to me, all the opinions below are my own. Previously we’ve used a medical grade forehead thermometer which required…

  • [the] Fam’s 5 Faves: Babywearing (in the heat!)

    [The] Fam’s 5 Faves: Babywearing (in the heat) by tararoehl on Polyvore A floppy hat is great for covering baby’s head, especially when they don’t want the hood up! I love my Arctic Chill Towel! I wear it between baby and me. The key to keeping baby cool is to NOT let them get damp!…

  • Babywearing: The “M”

    Continuing on last Thursday’s post about “Knee-to-Knee“, I wanted to discuss the important of baby’s leg and hip positioning when leg’s out in a carrier. Firstly, the carrier should ALWAYS go “knee-to-knee“. If it does not, it is not adequately supporting your little one’s hips. The ideal position is the “M” position. The blue arrows…

  • Why We Wear #2

    Because when you have a new baby, they aren’t the only one who’s tired. And it is much safer to have them wrapped to you when you both need a nap. Wrap that baby on, sit in your recliner/glider and rock yourselves to sleep mama. You deserve that nap! ❤ Tara

  • Tried & True: Soft Structured Carriers (SSC)

    We are big fans of Soft Structured Carriers in our house. It’s often our go-to carrier. Quick to buckle on, multiple position options, toss it in the wash when it gets grimy … everything a frazzled new mommy needs! I’ve seen a lot of people asking about the differences between a Tula and an Ergo.…

  • International Babywearing Week: My Stash

    For day 1 of International Babywearing Week (but day 7 of our babywearing series here!) I thought I’d offer a “peek” into my “stash”. It isn’t complete – a wrap will be added very soon! But for now, here is where it stands… Moby Wrap Seven Sling Ergo Performance Peanut Shell [vintage] Snugli Balboa Sling…

  • Sunday Funnies: All Are Not The Same

    Good morning! We are headed to church this morning, but I thought I’d post an addition to your typical Sunday morning comics, courtesy of paxbaby …   ❤ Tara

  • Saturday Summary

    So far so good – even though we are in the middle of our move to Denver, I have been able to keep up with the posting! Click on each picture to jump to the post! Tuesday was the latest installment of “Tried & True” where I discussed my very first babywearing experience – our…

  • [The] Fam’s 5 Faves: Babywearing

    1. Standard Tula in Grey Chevron 2. Ergo Performance 3. Maya Ring Sling 4. Balboa Sling 5. Boba Air ❤ Tara

Got any book recommendations?