• But the view… 

    But the view… 

    This past weekend was absolutely beautiful. The weather, the sunshine. *happy sigh* I could see the snow capped mountains for miles. I constantly remind myself never to take this view for granted.  Right now we are going through every single corner of our house and cleaning it out. We are physically putting a hand on…

  • Family Movie Night

    Family Movie Night

    We don’t watch much TV in our house. We’ll go weeks without even turning it on. If it is on with the kids awake, we try to have it only be shows that teach (such as documentaries). Don’t worry,  Pip gets to watch movies at Nana’s house and cartoons with his cousins. He’s far from…

  • My town… 

    Growing up I would always answer the “Where are you from” inquiry with a proud “Illinois!” Don’t get me wrong, I still answer that way and still call Champaign/Urbana my hometown. But moving around as much as we have means we have had a lot of places we call home. Which,  by default, means  we…

  • Running Disney… or not.

    I ran in high school. Really just to keep up (and beat) some of the boys. Once I did? I quit. I ran in college because I feared the freshmen 15. When I realized it wasn’t happening? I quit. Getting pregnant was taking a long time (again), so I started running. Then I got pregnant.…

  • Running Like Grandma

    Not many people know this, but my grandma was a runner. I actually forgot this myself until we were preparing for our recent trip. They live in the hills outside San Diego, so needless to say I was NOT training there! Heck, I don’t even enjoy driving those hills! So, after I arrived, I asked…

  • In Love With Foam

    As I prepare for a holiday season of travel, I picked the brains of my favorite running coaches (my PT and Chiropractor) as to what was going to be the biggest help for me to keep my training up, chance of injury down and get me through my first half marathon. My PT’s recommendation was…

  • Maps Galore!

    I don’t quite remember when Pip first became interested in maps. He would ask to stop and look at the map in malls, the zoo, museums, etc sometime in the past year. But I remember when it reached a new level… We were about to go on his first ever camping trip. I had loaded…

  • Why I run…

    Well, I’ve officially been cleared to start running! Yep, you read that right. I’m running again. Before I get too much further, let me set the record straight… this is not in an effort to get skinny, fit into size 4 jeans, lose my mom pooch, have a bikini bod, etc. This is 100% for me.…

  • Bible Reading + Focus

    Knowing your learning style(s), and ways to help yourself learn, is SO important. I cannot stress this enough. It took until college for me to learn some aspects of how I learn best. And I find I’m continuing to learn new strategies to help improve my ability to learn all the time! For example… I…

  • One Little Word 2016

    For the past 6 years we have participated in One Little Word instead of “resolutions” each New Years. It’s become a wonderful conversation we have together each December as a new year approaches. We discuss words we are thinking about, what we are “aiming” for and overall the “feel” of the new year. Those “words”…

Got any book recommendations?