Tummy Talk
I have quite a few apps on my phone that give me daily, weekly and/or monthly updates on Squishy. Tuesday is the “beginning” of the week for Squishy’s developmental milestones, so every Tuesday Oliver gets an announcement from me regarding Squishy’s size. Yesterday it was “Squishy is an APPLE!!” Oliver was a little skeptical, struggling…
This will be a very “clean” post (har..har..har…) – all about the absolute showering of gifts we’ve received already for squishy. We’ve been so surprised that the little “orange” is already so very loved by those around us! From the day people found out, we’ve been showered with amazing gifts for us AND for squishy.…
14.5 Weeks
Late again as usual – so this is actually being “back posted” to a more accurate date. I am sure you all will be understanding! Everything continues to go well. Slight dizziness has showed up as a new symptom, but only in a few hour spells and only twice in the last week. It continues…
The search begins…
Kidding! Hahaha… seriously. Kidding. There is only one in there! And Oliver re-confirmed that with the doc a few times! So why does Oliver have FOUR baby car seats/carriers? Because nothing is easy when signing up for a registry … We had fully decided on a carrier and were ready to register for it. We’d…
Matters of the Heart
Oliver and I have known for some time that I am a genetic carrier for a familial heart condition. It had been a non-issue until we became pregnant. Apparently this heart condition LOVES pregnancy because of all the extra fluid you carry around. However, with all of that extra fluid, heart failure during and after…
13.5 Weeks
Finally got around to this weeks picture… then finally getting around to posting 🙂 I know, I know. I’m simply glowing! However, we had just finished hanging new curtains, doing a ton of laundry and cleaning in an 80 degree room – so I’m not really “glowing” in the pregnant sense of the word 🙂…
Exercise and Cravings
This morning my friend Wendy and I took the babies for a hike. And by “babies” I mean her 2 year old, the two dogs and “Squishy” (not that he/she really had a choice!). Exhaustion is still lingering for me (I hear I should get used to it…) but it felt so good to get…
The Facebook Announcement
Today we announced it to facebook that… YES! We’re expecting! You’re probably here because you saw that announcement or got our e-mail blast about baby. But we want to let you know that this will be our only “Baby update” via social media. Although we will sometime talk about a new “post” going up –…
July 4th Photo Shoot
My parents were in town for the holiday, so we wanted to let them “meet” their latest grandchild today via ultrasound (since we’d never really had a first one but for a quick picture at 7weeks). And boy did we get a show! “Squishy” was flipping, hiding, waving and even got the hiccups. I can’t…
12 Week Bump
I just couldn’t get myself to take a photo till we were in the “safe zone”. I also didn’t have ANY energy. That being said ….. <3 Oliver and Tara
Got any book recommendations?