Feeling a little blue today …
We are SO excited to find out it is a baby BOY on the way in January. You can ask Oliver, I’ve had an inkling it was a boy from the very day we found out *smile* The party was a HUGE success, and turned out just as we’d hoped. Low key, people we love…
We’ve Been Revealed
We’re so excited! *smile* <3 Oliver and Tara
LIVE link for gender reveal!
Live video up now! Go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeSp6vno10o&feature=player_embedded Thanks! -Oliver
Technical Support: How To Watch
So everyone who isn’t able to come to our party in-person will have the opportunity to WATCH it live! My gosh, don’t you LOVE modern day technology?! Now, this concept excited many but baffles many as well… so here is how it will work. Google has a social media feature called “Google Plus”. Within Plus…
The Party is a GO!
That’s right… Baby Roehl “revealed” him or herself to the ultrasound tech while keeping the news from us – just PERFECT! I recorded a quick message for you all… It become more and more breathtaking and real as we get further down this road – it REALLY IS HAPPENING! God ALWAYS keeps His promises,…
17 Weeks
Excuse the disheveled look – I realized we wouldn’t be home till after dark AGAIN tonight, so I had Oliver take this of me thing morning before I even had a shower! He was standing in his PJs and I threw on clothes before I headed out to the barn. One day we’ll put lights…
Whirlwind Road Trip
This past weekend the Squishy and I took a whirlwind road trip down to Yucca Valley. Read: left at 8:15am Friday, got home at 6:00pm Saturday. Now for those of you who don’t know where Yucca Valley is (like myself) … it’s about two hours east of Los Angeles. Something a LOT of…
Living in a New Room
For some time now I have been wanting to rearrange the living room. This urge occurs every 12-18 months usually. But we had just been talking about my “vision” for the past year, and hadn’t done anything about it. I decided last week was the week we were DOING IT! Part of the motivation is…
15.5 Weeks
Again, a loverly backdated post … I’m just accepting the fact that this is practice for getting me used to being “late”. I hear that, and lack of sleep, are things I might as well begin to get comfortable with … *shudder* Fun facts about this week People are beginning to reach out…
Ok Baby, REVEAL yourself!
People ask us frequently if we are going to find out the gender of Squishy. When we began this journey over 2 years before this blessing, we were adament against finding out. We wanted to be surprised! Fast-forward over two years and we began to rethink this plan. You see, most couple have to wait…
Got any book recommendations?