Category: Why We Wear
Why We Wear #2
Because when you have a new baby, they aren’t the only one who’s tired. And it is much safer to have them wrapped to you when you both need a nap. Wrap that baby on, sit in your recliner/glider and rock yourselves to sleep mama. You deserve that nap! ❤ Tara
Saturday Summary
So far so good – even though we are in the middle of our move to Denver, I have been able to keep up with the posting! Click on each picture to jump to the post! Tuesday was the latest installment of “Tried & True” where I discussed my very first babywearing experience – our…
Why We Wear #1
*Why We Wear is a image-based series sharing the reasons why we babywear* Skin-To-Skin Time! Extensive research has shown that skin-to-skin time with your newborn is important for BOTH of you! So strip off your nursing top and wrap that baby against you mommy – it’s time for some bonding. ❤ Tara P.S. As you…