Category: Parenting
Milking It: Drying Up
After last week (World Breastfeeding Week), my brain is still stuck on the topic. So I wanted to discuss a topic many mommies have questions about – how to encourage milk production. This is a topic I didn’t look much into before having Liam. I wish I had! Thankfully I had read about certain items…
WBW: For Those Who Couldn’t
Today is the final day of World Breastfeeding Week. I want to hit on a topic that comes up a LOT … The mom who WANTED to breastfeed but her life took another path. I want to say that by celebrating World Breastfeeding Week, I was in no way saying “I’m better than…
WBW: My view
When nursing, your view is sometimes pretty limited. Since learning how to breastfeed Liam in the baby carrier (read: STEEP learning curve) my view has improved. But with a bad back, sometimes I just need to sit and rest myself. Here are some of my views … 99% of the time, when I nurse at…
WBW: A Day of Nursing
Today, for World Breastfeeding Week, I documented my nursing relationship with Liam. I can’t really capture all of the warm fuzzies, but I can show you how *our* day looks. Everyone’s nursing relationship with their child is different. It’s different because you are unique, and your child is/will be unique. I am writing this to…
Fear Is A Thought…
A friend liked this on fb today, so it popped up into my feed. And stopped me dead in my tracks. And trust me, that’s impressive. Because I’m moving FAST today trying to get things done! Why did it stop me? Fear stole so much from me. Joy. Opportunities. Hope. Options. Learning to deal with…
A Mom’s Body
*This is a (slightly edited) fb status message I posted late last night regarding THIS article – please read it first!* I love the comment about surrendering your body to motherhood… that is it EXACTLY! Not only in shape and size. You GROW a child. You are at your body’s beck and call while that…
Parenting Crazies
The Parenting Crazies – it’s those words and/or actions we do for the good of our child. Ok, sometimes it’s simply for the good of our sanity. But if you think about it, our kids fair MUCH better when we are sane. So all in all, it’s really for them. I’ve had many of these…
6 week change
Liam is 6 weeks old now, and so much has already changed. Of course he looks different and has learned so many new skills. But life is demanding I return to the “real world” as well. There are things demanding my attention, so I have to begin the struggle every mom hits – balancing life.…
He’s Arrived!
Liam John MacKinnon Roehl arrived at 12:57pm on January 14th. Daddy and mommy were both able to be in the OR together, holding hands and awaiting his arrival. He was a true breech, feet clear over his head and butt first. As our amazing OB brought him into the world we heard shocked phrases such…
Beautiful Bums
We are planning to do cloth diapering on Squishy’s adorable bum after he comes out into the world. We have the supplies, have taken mini-lessons from a friend who successfully did it and YouTube has been quite the best-friend as we embark on this adventure. Oliver installed the “sprayer” on the toilet the other day,…