Category: Homeschooling

  • Birds: Folk

    Birds: Folk

    Folk songs infuse beauty, fun, history and culture into your learning space. Little Bird Little Bird is a perfect song for this month’s unit study!

  • Birds: Classical Music

    This month we are exploring a variety of composers who have created works around birds |

  • Unit Study: Birds!

    Unit Study: Birds!

    Ask and ye shall received! I offered to share information on our unit study in May and people loved the idea. So here we go! I’ll be putting it all here so I can send people to one spot for all the information. I have planned out 4 weeks of learning, pulling from a variety…

  • Learning on the Road: Signs

    Learning on the Road: Signs

    I posted last week about how much time the kids and I spend in the car. In addition to our playlists, road signs are another favorite way we learn on the go. Colors Assign each kid a different color for the day and have them try to find it on the signs you pass. Green…

  • Learning on the Road: Playlists

    Learning on the Road: Playlists

    The kids and I spend a lot of time on the road. We love to go on adventures. We have museum memberships, a grew t botanical garden, a lovely zoo, hiking galore and friends all over the state. We could easily waste that time in the car. Or we could make that time count! One…

  • A Folksong Dilemma

    Pip and Liv’s curriculum has them learning a new hymn and folksong every month. I make a Spotify playlist out of their songs and we keep building it over the year. We’ve learned “Cockles and Mussels” and “Green Grass Grows All Around” before switching to Christmas music for November and December. But I continue to…

  • Reading Together: Why, What and What is Next?

    Reading aloud is important in our home. I have vivid memories of my mom reading aloud to me as a child. She would come into my room in the evening and we’d curl up together reading Madeline L’Engle books such as A Wrinkle in Time. I have read to my own children since they were…

  • Forest School 2017: Day 3

    As we pulled into the parking lot this week, Pip spotted his “guide” and shouted greetings to her as soon as he was free of his car seat. He was greeted with smiles and friendly greetings. As a mom, that means a lot! The teachers for our forest program prefer to be known as guides.…

  • Gameschooling: Do you?

    So ,what is Gameschooling? Gameschooling is teaching school subjects through game play – board games, card games, etc. So teaching geography through Ticket to Ride, colors through Candyland… you get the idea! Why would one Gameschool? Games teach so many fantastic skills and, if selected carefully, can teach great educational subjects at the same time!…

  • Another day in nature

    Today was day two of Forest School/Nature School (we use the terms interchangably). Some cute photos and takeaways. Liv is always so excited to arrive at Forest School! Especially when she also gets to wear brother’s hat. For science, they learned about butterflies and then disolved sugar into water to make sugar plates. We didn’t…