Category: Daily News
Song Lyrics
Songs mean a lot to me. I have songs that remind me of certain “eras” of my life, ones with lyrics that I attribute to people in my life and some that helped me through difficult times. I have songs I turn up loud and sing at the top of my longs while driving down…
Down and out!
As many of you have read already, my back problems have been amplified by the squish. Physical therapy 3x a week is helping, but sleeping is still quite painful (whoever thought they would describe sleep that way, and so early in a pregnancy!). They have a pillow they put me on at PT that does…
Happy for “Nothing”
Baby Boy kicks all day, usually quieting in the afternoon to take his “nap”. He kicks anything goes across my tummy, so it’s a good way to induce a kick if Oliver wants to feel him. Just yesterday morning I woke up to Oliver’s hand creeping under the blankets and over to my tummy. A…
A Model in the Making
That’s right – Squishy is going to be a model! Now before you start setting high expectations that he’ll be the cutest babby EVER born (not that we are denying that…), let me explain. Real Options is a local pregnancy clinic here in our area. Real Options offers pregnancy tests followed by an ultrasound, free…
Confessions of an Infertility Survivor
The picture I am about to show you is a “skeleton in my closet”. The image is quite embarrassing really. Something almost no one knows about. If you have ever come over to our house, you would think I keep a relatively neat home. [We are actually last minute “shove it in the closet because someone is…
Labor Day Weekend
This holiday weekend has been a fantastic time for Oliver and I to focus on baby and have some fun date outings. We started on Friday night, when “Auntie Wendy and Uncle Bryan” gave us tickets to the Stanford football game. Ohemwow… we LOVE college football! So Baby Boy, your FIRST football game was Stanford…
20 Weeks
Hello Banana and happy half birthday! I cannot believe we are halfway to meeting this little boy
That is both extremely exciting and extremely sobering … only 20 more weeks of this experience we waited so so so long for. Oliver gets to feel him kick regularly now, and I feel him daily. That…
A Must See…
So, Oliver had heard of this movie well before I had. I think that was a God-thing really. Oliver told me later that, when he saw the trailer, he immediately knew I shouldn’t/wouldn’t be able to go see it. I (thankfully) didn’t see the trailer until after we knew squishy was on the way. So,…
Daddy’s First…
Dear Baby Boy, Last night daddy had a first… after multiple times of trying to feel you kicking me, you finally gave dad a “thump” in the hand. I wish I’d had the camera going – it was a miracle moment. His eyes were as big as silver dollars, he gasped in air and was…
Knock knock, Anyone Home?
Yesterday was a particularly LONG, but VERY fun, day. My cousins was in town, so Kelly and I played “tour guides” around San Francisco all day. We did the Golden Gate Bridge, Presidio, Pier 39, Boudin, Ghirardelli, Chinatown, Little Italy, Lombard Street, The Painted Ladies (i.e. the “Full House” house) … *phew!* The biggest…