Another “riches” we include in our monthly rhythm are folk songs. We practice and learn a new one for a month and then add the song to our Spotify playlist. This gives us an ever growing list of songs we can sing together in the car, on hikes, etc.
Why a folk song?
Oh my word, there are so very many reasons to include folk songs in with your other riches. For one, it is a huge part of our cultural heritage here in America. The lyrics often address parts of our history and the music style itself is fading away. Children love singing folk songs. They often have an upbeat yet simple tune to follow along with while you sing. And some of the lyrics are just plane nonsensical and amusing!
Simply put, they infuse beauty, fun, history and culture into your learning space.
Folk songs with birds
As soon as I picked this month’s theme, I knew I would have an abundance of folk songs to pick from about birds. However, I have learned in the past that you MUST pre-screen your folk songs. Or risk traumatizing your more sensitive kids. (oops!)
This month I picked a simple folk song with a beautiful tune and a great way to talk about all the birds they are learning this month. You can add in any bird you like to this simple song and sing as you work, play and go about your daily rhythm. I often hear the kids singing folk songs as they do other tasks and it always makes me so happy.
Little Bird, Little Bird (Elizabeth Mitchell)
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
Find molasses candy
Who knows a bird?
Me! Chickadee!
What's a chickadee say?
ChchchchchchChickadee, chickadee
Fly through my window
Chickadee, chickadee
Fly through my window
Chickadee, chickadee
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
And find molasses candy
Who knows another bird?
Me! Jaybird!
What does a jaybird say?
Jaybird, jaybird
Fly through my window
Jaybird, jaybird
Fly through my window
Jaybird, jaybird
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
Find molasses candy
Who knows one more bird?
I do! A whip-poor-will
What does a whip-poor-will say?
Whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will
Fly through my window
Whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will
Fly through my window
Whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
Find molasses candy
❤ Tara
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