Ask and ye shall received! I offered to share information on our unit study in May and people loved the idea. So here we go! I’ll be putting it all here so I can send people to one spot for all the information.

I have planned out 4 weeks of learning, pulling from a variety of resources. I am using some left over materials from when we used Mother Goose Time in the co-op, Pinterest, Charlotte Mason inspired materials and more.
We will continue to do our “core” learning topics – handwriting, math, bible, reading. These take about 1 hour to complete. Then we will fill our time with learning and activities all related to our topic.
Why Birds?
Spring is here in Colorado, and birds are everywhere. We have bald eagles, blue jays, magpies, hummingbirds, robins and cormorants – and that is just a small sampling. Birding is very popular here and we often see folks with binoculars out at our nature school spot. This spring we find ourselves spending more time at home with COVID in our world. I wanted to set up a way to explore the world in our own backyard, and birds felt right.
I have been spending much of our quarantine cleaning out and setting up what will now be our “learning space”. A former co-op room, I have lined walls with bookshelves, found a screen for casting music and information, a round work table to spread out projects and a comfy chair to curl up and read in. I’ll post pictures when it is complete! But, while digging through and cleaning out, I found pieces from an old curriculum all about birds. So this really kicked my bum into gear on pulling together information.
My creativity is being stretched as we still don’t know when craft stores and libraries will open. And we never know how long Amazon packages will take. It’s been fun to work around these restraints and still find great quality ideas and resources thanks to the internet.
The Structure
All of the materials I present will be broken up into 3 key areas: monthly, weekly and additional.
This week and into early next week I will be posting the key parts of the unit study we do all month long. This will include things like setting up our learning shelf, prepping our yard, our “riches” and more. These are things we return to and explore over and over for deep learning and appreciation.
Each week I will post about the plan for the week. This will include crafts, games, books we will read and videos we plan to watch. These can be melded into your week however you see fit! As the week progresses I will share stories and pictures here and on my instagram account – so follow along and share your own photos too!
I’ve found so many resources about birds, I have whole spreadsheets dedicated to my findings. So these posts will be about other fun resources in case you are interested in doing more or swapping in something else. These may be purchases I’ve made on Amazon, downloads I have bought, outside activities if you are free to explores the great outdoors and more.
I truly help this resource helps you, it’s been a small labor of love on my part during a stressful time in our world. So follow along, and let’s learn about birds!
❤ Tara
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