WBW: For Those Who Couldn’t

WBW: For those who couldn't | oliverandtara.com

Today is the final day of World Breastfeeding Week. I want to hit on a topic that comes up a LOT …


The mom who WANTED to breastfeed but her life took another path.


I want to say that by celebrating World Breastfeeding Week, I was in no way saying “I’m better than you”. Instead, it was to stand with moms around the world to celebrate those who breastfeed , to raise awareness about breastfeeding and making sure everyone’s rights are protected. I’m the first person to say that what we plan for our children doesn’t always come to fruition. I had grand plans of a natural child birth, but my life took another path when Liam became transverse breech at 36 weeks.

In my opinion, what matters is this:

Did you educate yourself and then do the best you possibly could for your child?

Yes? Then you my friend, are a supermom. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Celebrate motherhood, whether you have reached it yet or not. Because there are those who have!

Celebrate breastfeeding, whether you did or didn’t. Because there are those who did!

Celebrate formula, so that you ARE able to offer your child food. Because there are some who don’t have access to it.

Overall, will you please choose joy for the road traveled, and not judgement (on yourself or others!). We are all doing the best we can.

Happy World Breastfeeding Week – for mom’s everywhere to have the right to try to do it with their blessings.

 ❤ Tara


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