This holiday weekend has been a fantastic time for Oliver and I to focus on baby and have some fun date outings. We started on Friday night, when “Auntie Wendy and Uncle Bryan” gave us tickets to the Stanford football game. Ohemwow… we LOVE college football! So Baby Boy, your FIRST football game was Stanford versus San Jose State, and it was the evening of the last Blue Moon until 2015!

Saturday morning we got up and headed out of town to the Highland Games – bagpipes, Scottish dancing competitions, caber tosses and delish food! We even found baby boy a small souvenir!

Sunday (after I slept and recouped most of the morning), we did some serious baby shopping. There are some serious holes in our baby registry that we needed to fill AND Diana (Oliver’s mom) was wanting to buy us a chair for the baby’s room. Chair shopping was my favorite, it involved a LOT of sitting! Haha! Oliver seemed to enjoy it as well..

We decided on this beauty! It arrives in 8-10 weeks – reclines, glides and swivels *smile* Let’s just hope I don’t make myself motion sick on it!

We ended the weekend having dinner with my parents and our friends Faith and Roger. They are in town for a VERY short visit this week from Rwanda – it was so wonderful to see them, get updates on all of the children, and hear about the latest news from Africa! I can’t believe it’s been a YEAR since I was there!
Hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend!
<3 Tara (and Oliver!)
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