Hello Banana and happy half birthday! I cannot believe we are halfway to meeting this little boy 🙂 That is both extremely exciting and extremely sobering … only 20 more weeks of this experience we waited so so so long for. Oliver gets to feel him kick regularly now, and I feel him daily. That has it’s good side and bad. The good is obvious. The bad is that it increases my fear if I don’t feel him for any length of time. I really have to keep handing it over to Christ and reminding myself this is completely out of our control. We are still very filled with joy 🙂

In other (very good news) – your prayers are working! Tara felt a HUGE relief in back pain very shortly after posting about it. Please keep the prayers coming! The Physical Therapist has increased her therapy to three times a week and is expecting it to have to continue through the remaining five months of the pregnancy. Random fact: sore abs feel VERY different in pregnancy than they do regularly! Haha!
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