My parents were both in town at the same time, so we could FINALLY break the news to them! Now, you know I couldn’t just say it – we had the benefit of seeing them eye-to-eye and watching their reactions (unlike the majority of our family). They are some of the few people who knew of our on-going struggle to get pregnant and were praying fervently for us. So we convinced them to go out to dinner with us to celebrate “mother’s day” and “father’s day”, since they had been out of town for both of those holidays. We met them at P.F. Changs in downtown San Jose. We then brought of the conversation of dates for a trip to Vegas we were going to take in January …. all while having these in our laps:

I’m not quite sure what my favorite part of this audio is …
- dad cutting me off when I was trying to get to the big news
- the dramatic pause where we hold up their shirts
- dad’s yell of “ARE YOU KIDDING?!” which resulted in the entire restaurant looking at us 🙂
- Me, being too close to the secret recording, laughing and crying simultaneously through the whole thing
- Mom telling the waiter when he came to give us our food
- Ok… I pretty much love the whole thing.
Listen for yourself… Telling Parents Moment
<3 Tara (& Oliver!)
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