Ahhh – carry-ons. This was hard for me before baby. But now I have to SHARE one of my carry-ons with Pipsqueak – i yi yi… And if what he needs isn’t in his carry-on we don’t have it. We don’t have it for upteen million hours in the air. Ok, more like a few hours. But without that ONE item, it can feel like a million! So, how was I going to pack all my things in one acceptably sized bag, and all of his things in an acceptable sized bag as well? AND haul it all!
My Things
I chose to bring along my rolling briefcase. This can hold all my tech, plus the few other little things I *need* – lotion, lip balm, a jacket. This was also good because it didn’t require me carrying it on my shoulders, which were already hauling a baby.
Baby’s Things
As much as I love the baby’s diaper bag (I stalked eBay to find it because it matches my stroller… and I *HATE* eBay!), it just isn’t big enough anymore. After doing some research I decided to go with a backpack diaper bag. It would give me plenty of room and be conducive to wearing the babe. I shopped around for a while and was REALLY depressed at what I found. Some were around $150 – I’ve never even owned a purse that cost that much! The other end of the spectrum felt soooo cheap. I was sure I would split a seam packing it with all his things. But when I really stopped and thought about it, what did I need

from a backpack specifically made to be a diaper bag? The big “featured” seemed to be an insulated pocked for bottles. Considering Squishy’s milk isn’t provided via bottle, I really didn’t need that feature. So I headed over to R.E.I. to find a backpack – I was sure to babywear so I could make sure it fit on with the carrier. Let me introduce the Flash 22 Pack…
- Super light but sturdy – all the weight can be in the contents!
- No dividers inside, making it quite roomy for baby things
- Two mesh pockets on the sides for things you need quick access to
- Zip pocket on the “hood” for things requiring safe keeping but easy access
- Loops down the front for hooking items to
So, how did I pack Pipsqueaks bag? I’m all about grouping items. So, everything goes into it’s own smaller bag/container. Some key contents inside..
- All the diapers went into a diaper pouch – mine was a gift from Lou Bugs Boutique
- Wipes in the Skip Hop case. I love that the diaper pouch an wipes containers both have loops – I loop them together since I never need one without the other!
- A diaper changing pad (you never know what germs are on surfaces! Ewwww!)
- A wet bag – able to hold soaked items in a pinch, but holds all his teething toys in the meantime!
While some key contents for the outside …
- I put my wallet in the top zipper pocket..
- My nursing cover, a blanket and burp rags in the mesh pouches
- My luggage tag and bag dispenser (for soiled clothes and stinky diapers) on the front loops!
It worked AWESOME! So much so, that I haven’t gone back to his diaper bag! I *love* this thing!
❤ Tara
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